Esther Perreira disorderly behaviour charge dismissed

Esther Perreira

Esther Perreira had her case of disorderly behaviour dismissed after the virtual complainants in the matter failed to show up in court yesterday.

Esther Perreira

Perreira of 73 Block ‘E’ Sophia pleaded not guilty to behaving disorderly within public view on December 29, 2009 at Farmer’s Plot, Sophia.

Representing Perreira, attorney-at-law Robert Corbin told the court that the charge was a horrid attempt to cover up the breach of his client’s constitutional rights. He said his client was locked up for six days allegedly for robbery under arms. He then asked that his client be set free on her own recognizance, saying that she was well known in the Sophia area.

Police Prosecutor Inspector Stephen Telford told the court that the police acting on information went to search the defendant’s house for a stolen motorcycle, but Corbin countered that his client’s home was not searched.

Telford told the court that while Perreira’s home was being searched she behaved disorderly in the presence of the officers.

Corbin then asked that the VCs in the matter verify this. However, the VCs, Corporal Towler and Sergeant London were not present. This led to the magistrate dismissing the case.