Police officer did not stop minibus from blocking traffic

Dear Editor,

On Thursday, January 7, I joined a 45 route minibus at the authorized park to go to Main Street. Just as the bus I was in was about to move, another 45 route minibus came up and stopped in the middle  of the street and collected passengers preventing my bus from going out of the park. The offending bus spent about ten minutes blocking traffic; the time then was 4.10 pm.

When the offending bus was half full I saw a female police officer in uniform hurry to the recalcitrant bus and assumed it was to tell the driver he was committing an offence.

However, the law officer turned out to be a passenger who sat in the offending bus for another five minutes until it was full, all the time preventing the other vehicle from passing; then it left. Well, so much for that representative of the law.

Yours faithfully,
WP George