Guard accused of unlawful assault granted $20,000 bail

A thirty-four-year-old security guard who is accused  of unlawfully assaulting another man on January 7 was yesterday placed on $20,000 bail by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.

Quincy Smith of 14 Company Road, Buxton, East Coast Demerara  pleaded not guilty to the charge of assaulting Herbert Bascom. According to his attorney, Faye Barker, Smith works as a security guard at  Fazia’s Collection and while securing the property after the store was closed he removed a bicycle that Bascom had chained to the building.

Barker further said that her client never touched Bascom but the virtual complainant (VC) was intoxicated at the time and fell on his face.

Meanwhile, Prosecutor Inspector Stephen Telford told the court that Bascom was cuffed to the left side of his face by Smith. However he did not object to bail.

Smith is to make his next court appearance in Court Two on February 19.