What the people say about…How to help Haiti

Interviews by Tiffny Rhodius and photos by Jules Gibson

In light of the destruction in Haiti caused by last Tuesday’s earthquake, we asked the man and woman in the street what they thought Guyana could do for the people in Haiti.

Eustace Accra, driver
The main thing is food, clothes medicine and water. Those are the immediate needs, the basic things that we can give them. I heard that the government is sending rice and a $1M. What I think would have been a nice example for other people to give would be for the President to make a personal donation out of his own pocket.

I have donated $2,000 but people have to make sure that the money gets there.

Corwin Wilson, unemployed
Well it has various committees like the church and different organisations who can come together and pool their money and give to the people of Haiti. I hear churches are doing something like that.  And other wealthy organisations should contribute money.

Money is what will cover all. They could use the money to build back their home, buy clothes but people could also give food and clothing. And they should tell the public to be aware of people who might want to scam them but God will deal with them if they are doing something like that.

Sussan Simon, UG student
Based on the news I was looking at, they are in need of medicinal items, food and clothing. I don’t know if Guyana can donate those things since we ourselves need that but I think we can pool our money and donate.

NGOs can contribute in the food and clothing area and to ward against fraud, they should set up the donation site at a place where people will feel confident about who they are giving to.

Ingram, public sector employee
We are one above Haiti but on the humanitarian side, yes we ought to give. I think we have already pledged money but then if we can send engineers, doctors, little human resources to help clean up and in the search and rescue that would be better because in terms of money I don’t think we can make that.

Clive James, private sector employee
I think Guyana could do like they did before and send whatever we have plenty like rice, sugar, water and soldiers to help rebuild. But at this instance the most important thing is the food situation.

But what should happen is that these organisations and such should be monitored so that dishonest people can be caught. The law should be put in place so that the help can reach the right persons, people and children.

Colin Beaton, public sector employee
I know we cannot offer first response that is search and rescue aid. We have to let the developed world offer first response and we provide the support as in helping with the reconstruction. We can offer support by sending the military and volunteers to assist in rebuilding.

Although we have a small core that can do first response we should focus on supporting and we can give items where we are strong such as material for rebuilding, food and maybe Banks or DDL or the other water people can supply water.

Marika, unemployed
We should first of all find out precisely what is needed and try to meet those needs as much as possible. I think some of the things that are really needed are medical supplies, water, clothing and foodstuff and it doesn’t matter if it is the Red Cross or the government who gives the aid. Whichever organisation can get the aid to the people quickly they should be allowed to do so.

Josephine, self-employed
Financial assistance and food is what I think we should give them. I just finished making my donation at the bank. I think Guyana has the means to send these things and I also think that as a third world country what we are doing is very good.

Jerlinda Doris, student
I think that the president should hold a meeting with his Cabinet and have some sort of fund raiser and use the money from that to buy stuff-anything that would be of use to people. Any little way we can be of assistance then I think we should do it.

Synola, student
I think both the public and private sectors should raise money to send to Haiti because the country is in a terrible state and I also think that we should send medical personnel to help the injured.