New UNC leader ready to work with opponents

Kamla Persad-Bissessar

(Trinidad Express) She did it!

Excoriated as a weakling incapable of leading and hiding a drinking weakness, Kamla Persad-Bissessar proved last night she had the political strength to beat two political legends.

Her victory, declared by supporters before 9 p.m., meant that opponent Basdeo Panday no longer leads the party he founded, and the decades-old aspirations of Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj to be party leader, are done for the while.

While supporters sat in nail-biting distress for hours at her constituency office at Penal, Persad-Bissessar huddled with advisors working the phones and who were able to tell her within hours of the 5 p.m. close of the polls, that she had done what seemed impossible two months ago.

Appearing overawed, Persad-Bissessar delivered her victory speech at her constituency headquarters at Penal, where she had launched her bid six weeks back.

Persad-Bissessar said under her leadership, the party would belong to members.

She said her victory was the first step in saving the country from ruin and was the beginning of a revolution.

To her attackers, she said, ’In the heat of a campaign, people say things that may offend. But as a mother, a wife, a sister and a daughter, I know how to forgive. I hold no animosity against you.’

She called on all members, including those defeated at the polls, to unite to contest the PNM.

Earlier, she told the media.

’I thank everyone for their support. It is time for the healing of the party and healing of the nation.’

Her first task as political leader, she said, was to unite the members of the UNC.

Most of her Parliamentary colleagues sided with Panday and attacked her personally, professionally and politically on the platform, during the campaign.

Persad-Bissessar said: ’We came out with a campaign of hope and peace. I stand for everyone.’

Persad-Bissessar said she was willing to work with anyone for the upliftment of the party-including her opponent Basdeo Panday.

’I am of the view that the Lord put things in place for all those who are willing to serve for the nation. We are all members of the house of the rising sun and we have to come together and work for the party and the nation,’ she said.

Persad-Bissessar walked onto the stage outside her constituency office to Bob Marley’s ’No Woman, No Cry’ and amid fireworks around 9.35 p.m.

The crowd roared.

She signalled to her supporters to join her, as she sang the words to the song.

Her husband, Dr Gregory Bissessar, who was never on the platform, joined her on stage.

She called him her ’rock’.

Her slate, including Suruj Rambachan, Lyndira Oudit, and Arnold Ram were there to celebrate with her.

The victory party continued with tassa drumming and fireworks until late last night.