Man shot resisting bandits recuperating

The man, who was shot in the shoulder while resisting robbers on Monday, is recuperating in hospital and recalled that during the attack one of the gunmen said “is you we want”.

The police said yesterday that they are still looking for the two gunmen who carried out the brazen afternoon attack in Cul-de-Sac Street, North Ruimveldt. They are also investigating reports that the bandits may be involved in similar incidents.

When Stabroek News visited the injured Isaac King in hospital yesterday he was resting in the open ward and his right palm which the bullet had grazed was bandaged. He underwent emergency surgery sometime after the 12:45 pm incident to remove the bullet.

King, though in pain recalled that he went to the area “to check out a joinery wuk a man had fuh me ” but was reminded by the man that he was suppose to check the next day.

At that moment a dark grey 192 Carina pulled up and  two men both armed with guns came towards him. King recalled that he was standing in the yard of the man who had the job for him.

He said that one man snatched his chain and said “is you we want” and he attempted to fend off the attacker by putting up his hands. This prompted the man to discharge a round, which grazed the palm of King’s right hand before entering his shoulder.

The man told Stabroek News that the other gunman bit off a gold ring he was wearing after he was shot. King estimated his losses at around $200, 000.

After he was shot, King said that the man who had the job for him, told him to leave his yard which forced him to flee to a friend’s house. The friend subsequently took him to the hospital.

Neither man was known to him.

The man said that his shoulder is paining badly and later stated that the police are to return to take a statement from him.