Panday claims thousands of hidden UNC membership cards discovered

(Trinidad Express) – Defeated candidate for United National Congress political leader Basdeo Panday claimed sabotage on Tuesday night after boxes allegedly containing thousands of party membership cards were discovered hidden at the Rienzi Complex, Couva, headquarters.

Panday said he knew the saboteur behind the plan–a woman who once worked for him but who had defected to his political enemy, Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

The membership cards were dated between 2005 and 2009.

Panday was trounced by contender Persad-Bissessar for the post of UNC political leader on Sunday.

Asked whether the discovery meant that the election result was bogus because voters were denied, Panday said, “Look around you (pointing to the cards strewn across the floor), and make up your own mind.”

Panday said he would leave it to others to decide whether there would be a legal challenge to the election result based on what was found.

Panday said he would report what he had found to the party’s general secretary, Fazal Karim. “I have the evidence; I hope he can come and see it,” Panday said.

However, Kemchan Ramdath, chairman of the party’s election committee said last night a party membership card was not required at the polling station.

All that was needed was a form of identification and for one’s name to be on the list of electors.

Panday, in his capacity of Opposition Leader, called a caucus meeting of members of parliament at Rienzi Complex on Tuesday.  He said the caucus was to prepare for tomorrow’s sitting of Parliament and all were invited. The meeting lasted an hour and a half.