President Jagdeo’s action in respect of Haiti was magnificent

Dear Editor,

The quick action taken by President Jagdeo assigning the workload on the Haiti matter to Minister Manickchand, was truly magnificent. Everywhere I go overseas or when I talk to relatives, they are so proud of the stance taken by Guyana, and our government’s commitment to contribute US$1M to the people of Haiti.  In Trinidad, the Trinidadians are amazed our President committed that sum, and they frowned on their government for giving the same amount, despite their wealth.  It is great for our President and our beloved Guyana.

The outpouring of Guyanese support truly overwhelms the heart.  Humanity is alive and well in this country.  My prayer and meditations are with the people of Haiti as they face the horrors of  death, injury, pain and amputation.  It is so painful to look at the beautiful faces of children who have lost both parents and even grandparents, but yes, the world is helping,

Yours faithfully,
Roshan Khan