Fire scare at Church View Hotel

A fire which started around 6:30 pm yesterday at the Church View Hotel on Main Street, New Amsterdam was quickly averted due to the quick response by the Guyana Fire Service.

Reports are that while there was no major damage, a wall on the building was burnt. Guests, including a group of cricketers and staff immediately exited the building after an alarm was raised.

This newspaper was told that some of the cricketers were afraid to remain and booked into another hotel. A transformer about 50 yards north of the hotel was reportedly seen ablaze and caught on a utility wire that takes power to the building.

A large crowd had gathered at the scene as the firefighters brought the situation under control. Ranks from the fire service and police force as well as officers from the Guyana Power & Light were also there conducting investigations.

By 7:30 pm everything was back to normal, except that the hotel and the entire area was thrown into darkness by a power outage.