Mash 2010 had spirit

Dear Editor,

Persons may argue that a lot was missing from Mash 2010, but my personal view is that it had  the spirit going.

Banks DIH, welcome back, and it was your float which had ‘Vanilla’ ( I hope it was her) as the lead artiste, which together with ‘Jomo’ for Digicel, ‘Big Red’ for one of the ministries and ‘Carib’ really saved the day.

The Amerindian Ministry’s participation was very impressive in terms of their costume design, and hands down, I was overjoyed to witness the participation of the Chinese.

Jomo, Vanilla and Big Red, I have no clue as to the direction you folks are headed with your music careers, but I know a little about talent when it’s in front of me and I have to give you two thumbs up. Begin preparations for Caribana in Canada later this year and the Guyanese community there would be in for a treat that they missed out on here.

The one thing that soca artistes have all got in common and that is energy, like the energiser battery. Whatever become of Lil Man or B52? He had a really good piece a short while ago during a Mash festival.

Yours faithfully,
T Pemberton