Latter Day Saints donate gear valued $1.8M to development group

Elder Solomon of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints presents equipment valued over $1.8M to the Corriverton Development Association for its charitable work.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints handed over $1.8 million in equipment to the Corriverton Development Association to support its training sessions and charitable works.

Elder Solomon of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints presents equipment valued over $1.8M to the Corriverton Development Association for its charitable work.

According to a press release the items include laptop computers, projector, printer, amplifier, speakers, microphone, DVD player, footballs, volleyballs, basketballs, cricket bats and pads, cricket balls, table tennis and balls, boxing gloves, head guards, majorette boots and batons.

Public Relations Officer Lyndon Murray said the club started in 2007 with dance and karate classes sponsored by Dance Alive of Georgetown and it hosted courses in information technology in 2008 with a grant from the European Union and the Guyana government.

Club president E Harewood, who hosts the club at his residence, said it had contacted the church with an outline of its plans, particularly to host foreign language classes starting with Spanish and public speaking, and appealed for assistance.

Elder Whitehead of the church said it is happy to assist.

He said he served the humanitarian section of the church in Guyana and Suriname and was impressed with the CDA’s work.