The city markets are secured by the constabulary

Dear Editor,

Please refer to a letter which appeared in your Stabroek News issue of March 27: ‘City not getting money’s worth from private security service.’ We are very grateful that Mr Gavin Stall has taken the time to express his views on our performance in the area of security. He is right there was a breakage of a stall in the Stabroek Market. Again, he is right that some of our facilities are protected by ranks of the constabulary as well as a private security service – Kalibur. However, there are a few inaccuracies in this letter, which must be corrected.

First, Kalibur does not provide any service to our markets; these facilities are secured by the constabulary.

Second, the writer sought to create the impression that council has done or is doing nothing about the losses at its facilities. Indeed, this has been a source of concern for the municipality. As a result, the constabulary has been doing much investigative work in all these matters. Council’s Legal Affairs and Security Committee as well as full council have been meticulously examining the findings and recommendations of the constabulary as it relates to these incidents with a view to strengthening the security system within the municipality. In addition, a number of approaches have been proposed including the installation of CCTV and the establishment of a canine unit. However, our ability to follow up and implement such proposals is inhibited by the stricture of the flow of our finances and the additional measures and training that council would need to put in place.

Third, the writer suggested: “It is a well known fact that a serving City Councillor is on the Board of Directors of this private security service…” We are not aware at all that a City Councillor is on the Board of Directors of Kalibur. Even if that were the case, it could not invalidate the findings and recommendations of the council’s Legal Affairs and Security Committee or indeed of the full council on any matter as it relates to security of municipal facilities.

However, we must thank Mr Stall for his interest in the way we deliver service to the people of Georgetown. We encourage him not only to continue to write about the council but also to come in and talk with us.

Yours faithfully,
Royston King
Public Relations Officer