Why has no move been made to seize the assets of Roger Khan and other drug-traffickers convicted in the US?

Dear Editor,

The government is seeking to seize the assets of the three Guyanese drug-traffickers – Bernard Clarke, Ian Jones and Lisa Bennett – who were convicted in the United Kingdom courts, according to Attorney-General Charles Ramson as reported in the SN of April 5.

It very good to note that the government is finally doing something to take drugs off our streets since these are associated with guns, robberies, crimes and senseless killings, and most of all they destroy the lives of so many of our young people, while enriching others  in the society.

It is not too late to stop the drug cartels and get them off the streets, but where was the anti-money laundering law when Roger Khan, former racing car driver Peter Morgan and David Narine were convicted of drug-trafficking in the US and got prison terms? Why has no move been made to seize the assets of Roger Khan and his associates? Roger Khan was believed to be the owner of several entities, including a carpet cleaning business, and he also had interest in several night clubs. Through his DreamWorks Housing Development Company, he constructed hundreds of houses at Good Hope on the East Coast, Blankenburg on the West Coast, and at New Hope and Farm on the East Bank.

Yours faithfully,
Rayvonne P Bourne