Development banks ramp up anti-corruption fight

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The World Bank and other  development banks  yesterday stepped up efforts to root out the  corrupt use of aid funds, saying companies and individuals  blacklisted at one institution would be unwelcome at all.

Measures agreed in Luxembourg yesterday would prevent a  company found to be using corrupt means by one development bank  from obtaining contracts from another, which is possible under  current practices.

“It means an injury to one is an injury to all,” said  Leonard McCarthy, who heads the World Bank’s anti-corruption  unit. “For those companies that do wrong, the world is going to  become a smaller place and it will cause a significant rise in  the cost of fraudulent and corrupt business practices.”

McCarthy, who is vice president of the Department of  Institutional Integrity at the World Bank, said the new  measures amounted to “an internationalization of punishment”  for companies and individuals involved in wrongdoing.

“What we see happening is that companies debarred by the  World Bank create a new identity with very much the same DNA,  the same role-players, call it something else, and then go and  do business with another development bank,” he told Reuters.

The banks include the European Bank for Reconstruction and  Development, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the  African Development Bank, which invest billions of dollars a  year in projects to reduce poverty and promote economic growth  in developing countries.

‘Cancer of corruption‘

It is difficult to estimate how much money is lost to fraud  and corruption in bank-funded projects.

Since the Enron scandal which erupted in 2001 and the  global financial crisis that reached a climax in 2008,  governments and institutions have been tightening the rules  under which big financial firms operate to try to ensure that  their actions are open and more easily monitored.

Sanctions by the institutions typically include reprimand,  conditions on future contracting, or debarment either for a  period of time or permanently.

The World Bank has barred 44 companies so far this year,  reflecting its stepped up effort to root out fraud and  corruption in projects it finances.

World Bank President Robert Zoellick said the measures gave  the banks a strong new tool to hold accountable firms that are  engaging in fraudulent and corrupt practices and were a  powerful incentive for firms to clean up their operations.”

“The rules of the road have gotten tougher,” he said in a  statement.

McCarthy said he believed the rules would deter corruption  and carry both financial and reputation risks for companies  whose actions would be published on a public database.

Fraud and corruption generally occur during the planning  and design phases of development projects when many of the  funding commitments are made.

McCarthy said experience over the years had also shown that  health, education, infrastructure and energy sectors appeared  to be most vulnerable to fraud and corrupt practices.

“Much of the wrongdoing is around simple fraudulent conduct  coupled with collusion although it is very difficult to often  put your finger on corruption,” he added.