Gittens/Stag Beer Emancipation Domino Competition on tomorrow

Lyall Gittens

Twelve teams will engage in battle tomorrow when the Stag Beer Emancipation Domino Competition which is organized by Gittens Promotions, gets underway at the Guinness Bar on Durban Street from 1pm.

Lyall Gittens

The promoters anticipate a good day of domino in which the top teams will walk away with attractive cash prizes and top honours.

Some of the teams involved in the competition are Mambo Bar, Guinness Bar, Wild Bunch, Turning Point, Blue Bird and the F&H Domino team.

Gittens stated that this is just another tournament to keep domino alive in Guyana and bring enjoyment to the public. He hosted his fifth successful one-day domino tournament earlier in the year where over 50 teams participated.

Meanwhile, a barbeque will also be on during the day which will be served from noon while two popular sounds systems are billed to entertain the contingent.