Does the PNC have nearly 800 party groups?

Dear Editor,

I read the PNC’s outline of its approved route to its presidential candidate’s nomination. Try as I may I can’t help but visualise how the wrongs of its past continue to haunt this once mighty outfit.

It simply can’t break from the shenanigans of its past methods of imposing itself on the Guyanese nation. Now they are caught in the same attempt of imposing themselves on the hapless remaining membership of the PNC.

However, two items caught my attention in this news release:

a. “rather than having 800 smaller elections countrywide”;

b. “each group of ten persons is represented by one delegate.”

Am I to believe that we are discussing the PNC here? What 800 smaller elections are they trying to impress upon the nation. It would sound more plausible if they were talking of 800 members all told. Cheddi Jagan, upon coming to power in 1992 told the nation that his party, at the time of winning the general election, had 200-odd party groups. Are we to understand that by this very cleverly crafted statement that the PNC has nearly 800 party groups? Do we have 800 villages in the whole of Guyana? I think not.

Is the PNC intent on making its presidential candidate decision at the level of its Central Executive? So how do you explain or figure out ten members to one delegate in a party of a few hundred, unless the dead vote in the PNC’s internal elections.

Passers-by should check and see if there is any edible grass outside Congress Place or if horses have eaten the grass as they prepare to vote at the upcoming PNC internal elections.

Come on guys; this is the age of the information superhighway. They are behaving just like the PPP and its mishandling of the nation’s affairs and denying the impression of ‘who cares?’ about what they say or do.

It is for this reason and this reason only that both the PPP and the PNC will eventually disappear from the Guyanese landscape. They have both been dying a slow death.

Yours faithfully,
Lionel Peters