Saga of the Bureau of Statistics building

A Dakota over the Mackenzie airstrip (Photo Llyn-Jones)

The controversy

Georgetown lost yet another of its exquisite architectural structures, when the former Bureau of Statistics Office, on High Street and Brickdam, opposite the Parliament Building, was demolished in November 2010. Adding to its ignominious demise, is the fact that its origin is in dispute, with no DNA possible. This is worse than going to your funeral without knowing who your father is!
In a letter to Stabroek News the following was proferred by Lloyd Marshall:

The National Bureau of Statistics building, High Street, 2002 (Photo courtesy of Mr Grimes-Graeme)

“During the war years (WWII), Mackenzie Airport with its 5000-foot paved runway was utilized for commercial flights. The airport terminal building was the same structure which was shown being demolished on the front page of the November 16 edition. It was subsequently dismantled, transported to Georgetown and re-assembled opposite the Parliament.”

This Nostalgia buff, ever vigilant to preserve our social and cultural history in the twentieth century, begged to