Dr Vishwamintra Persaud says label of sex offender has ruined him

Dr Vishwamintra Persaud

Dr Vishwamintra Persaud says the label of ‘sex offender’ has ruined him from the day he opted for a plea deal in a case involving a young girl, and he believes that he might eventually have to turn to pharmacy or “something like that” because of the stigma.
The fall he suffered was swift and painful, he said, noting that his licence to practise medicine in New York State was instantly revoked and he was left to ponder “what next and where.” He said his attorney advised that a plea deal would draw less publicity than a trial, and keep things on a low key until he was eligible to reapply for the licence.

“I decided to come back home to Guyana…” Dr Persaud told Stabroek News in an interview on Friday. The strain of the past weeks was etched across his face as he responded to