Pet appetite at Christmas

‘Please, come and get me,’ this (spayed) female dog seems to be saying as she waits at the GSPCA for someone to offer her a good home as her Christmas present.

Today, on the threshold of Christmas, we’ll deal with food intake, and next week we will continue with ‘What not to do to pets during the festive seasons.’

Well, Christmas is around the corner and the imbibing and engorging has already begun. Of course, I am referring to us humans. It seems that as we stuff ourselves, we feel that our canine and feline wards must get ‘Christmas’ too. Dogs get chocolate and biscuits; you know, the ones Auntie has sent in a tin from overseas. Cats get ‘Fancy Feast’ and all sorts of inappropriate Leckerbissen that produce unneeded calories and even indigestion.

I want to believe that if I did a statistical analysis of my records, it would show that, around this time of year,