Direct flight now between France, St Lucia

Allen Chastanet

There is now a weekly direct flight between France and St Lucia, according to the Caribbean Media Corporation and this is expected to significantly boost the island’s tourism industry.

St Lucian Tourism Minister Allen Chastanet has welcomed the introduction of the first direct flight.

Allen Chastanet
Allen Chastanet

“Getting to St. Lucia from France this winter has never been easier with the advent of a new charter service operated by two major French tour operators Karavel and NG Group,” Chastanet said according to CMC, noting that the new weekly charter service would continue until April this year.

“This flight is the first non-stop service being offered from mainland France, with departures from Paris’ Roissy Airport to Hewanorra International before heading onto Isla-Marguerita and returning to Paris. The flight’s capacity is 354 seats with 110 dedicated to St. Lucia each week,” he added.

CMC said that from January to November 2010 stay-over arrivals from France totaled 5,145 representing a 7.2 per cent  increase over the same period in 2009.