UN okays military action on Libya; Gaddafi warns

Muammar Gaddafi

TRIPOLI/UNITED NATIONS, (Reuters) – The United  Nations authorised military strikes to curb Libyan leader  Muammar Gaddafi, hours after he threatened to storm the rebel  bastion of Benghazi overnight, showing “no mercy, no pity”.

Muammar Gaddafi

“We will come. House by house, room by room,” Gaddafi said  in a radio address to the eastern city late on Thursday.

Al Jazeera television showed thousands of people listening  to the speech in a central Benghazi square, then erupting in  celebration after the U.N. vote, waving anti-Gaddafi tricolours  and chanting defiance of the man who has ruled for four decades.

Fireworks burst over the city and gunfire rang out.

The U.N. Security Council, meeting in emergency session,  passed a resolution endorsing a no-fly zone to halt government  troops now around 100 km (60 miles) from Benghazi. It also  authorised “all necessary measures” — code for military action  — to protect civilians against Gaddafi’s forces.

But time was clearly running short for the city that has  been the heart of Libya’s month-old revolution.

French diplomatic sources said military action could follow  within hours, and could include France, Britain and possibly the  United States and one or more Arab states; but a U.S. military  official said no immediate U.S. action was expected.

While other countries or NATO may play roles in military  action, U.S. officials expect the United States with its  extensive air and sea forces would do the heavy lifting in a  campaign that may include airstrikes on tanks and artillery.

Gaddafi warned Benghazi that only those who lay down their  arms before his advancing troops would be spared the vengeance  awaiting ‘rats and dogs’.

“It’s over. The issue has been decided,” Gaddafi said. “We  are coming tonight…We will find you in your closets.   “We will have no mercy and no pity.”


Residents said the Libyan air force unleashed three air  raids on the city of 670,000 yesterday and there has been  fierce fighting along the Mediterranean coastal highway.

Past no-fly zones have had mixed success.

The U.N. imposed a no-fly zone over Bosnia in the 1990s,  although some analysts say the measure did nothing to stop  massacres such as the 1995 slaughter of more than 8,000 Muslim  men and boys in the town of Srebrenica.

Ten of the Council’s 15 member states voted in favour of the  resolution, with Russia, China and Germany among the five that  abstained. There were no votes against the resolution, which was  co-sponsored by France, Britain, Lebanon and the United States.

Libya said the the Security Council resolution was not worth  the paper it was written on.

Apart from military action, it expands sanctions against  Gaddafi and his inner circle imposed last month. Among firms  whose assets it orders frozen are the Libyan National Oil Corp  and the central bank.

All flights over Libya except humanitarian flights were  banned.

Rebel National Council head Mustafa Abdel Jalil told Al  Jazeera television air strikes, beyond the no-fly zone, were  essential to stop Gaddafi.

“We stand on firm ground. We will not be intimidated by  these lies and claims… We will not settle for anything but  liberation from this regime.”

It was unclear if Gaddafi’s threat to seize the city in the  night was anything more than bluster. But at the very least it  increased the sense that a decisive moment had arrived in an  uprising that only months ago had seemed inconceivable.

Some in the Arab world sense a Gaddafi victory could turn  the tide in the region, weakening pro-democracy movements that  have unseated autocrats in Tunisia and Egypt and raised mass  protests in Bahrain, Yemen and elsewhere.

By late evening, telephone lines to Benghazi and internet  connections appeared to be cut.

Gaddafi’s Defence Ministry warned of swift retaliation, even  beyond Libyan frontiers, to any military action against the  oil-exporting nation.

“Any foreign military act against Libya will expose all air  and maritime traffic in the Mediterranean Sea to danger and  civilian and military (facilities) will become targets of  Libya’s counter-attack,” the ministry said in a statement.


John Drake, senior risk consultant at UK-based consultancy  AKE said he did not think Gaddafi would strike against oil  facilities or oil companies. “He would be hurting himself.”

“We don’t think they have the capability to impose a no-fly  zone over the whole country immediately, although they could try  to impose one over Benghazi and maybe also Tripoli. The U.N.  resolution will probably come as a morale boost to the defenders  of Benghazi,” he said.

Proposals for action include various no-fly and no-drive  zones, a maritime exclusion zone, jamming army communications  and intelligence help. Air strikes would almost certainly be  launched to knock out Libyan radar and air defences.

An Italian government source told Reuters Italy was ready to  make its military bases available for enforcement of the no-fly  zone. The airbase at Sigonella in Sicily, which provides  logistical support for the United States Sixth Fleet, is one of  the closest NATO bases to Libya.

Former British foreign minister David Owen saw the vote as  reflecting a serious division in NATO and the EU, with Germany  abstaining and clearly unhappy about military action.

“It’s very late for this no-fly zone,” he said. “Gaddafi’s  forces are very close to Benghazi and may now push on.”

The resolution followed a sharp shift in tone by the United  States, which had resisted calls to military action. U.S.  officials said they saw a need for air strikes against Libyan  tanks and heavy artillery to stem Gaddafi’s advance.

The front line has moved rapidly in the last two weeks as  Gaddafi has rolled back the rebels using his air power and heavy  artillery.

Residential areas of Ajdabiyah, a strategic town on the  coast road to Benghazi, were the scene of heavy fighting on  Thursday and around 30 people were killed, Al Arabiya reported.

On the approaches to Ajdabiyah, burned-out cars lay by the  roadside while Libyan government forces showed the foreign media  artillery, tanks and mobile rocket launchers — much heavier  weapons than those used by the rebels.

In Libya’s third city, Misrata, about 200 km (130 miles)  east of Tripoli, rebels and residents said they were preparing  for a new attack by Libyan troops, who had shelled the coastal  city overnight. A government spokesman said Gaddafi’s forces  expected to be in control of Misrata by Friday morning.

U.S. Undersecretary of State William Burns said he was  concerned Gaddafi, dubbed the ‘mad dog of the Middle East’ by  president Ronald Reagan in 1986, could “return to terrorism and  violent extremism” and create turmoil in the region.