
Map Treefrog Hypsiboas geographicus (Photo by M Hoelting)

Frogs are amphibians; they have moist, scaleless skin and are exothermic animals.  This means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of their environment. Frogs in the tropics have warm blood because their environment is warm!  The term ‘Amphibian’ comes from the Greek words amphi meaning ‘both’ and bios meaning ‘life.’ Most amphibians begin their life in water before emerging on land and can absorb water and oxygen though their skin.

Frogs begin life as shell-less eggs which hatch into tadpoles. Fish-like, they breathe though gills but slowly develop hind legs and lungs.  As they develop lungs, their tail reabsorbs and they graduate to life on land as froglets.

Frogs are carnivorous and feed on a variety of invertebrates