A Lesson on Bake and Shark

Bake and Shark (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Hi Everyone,

If there is one thing that you must have when you make a trip to the land of the humming bird, Trinidad and Tobago, it is bake and shark.

Bake and Shark is a famous Trini street food. It is a fried bake (aka float), cut in half, and sandwiched in between the bake, is a meaty piece of fried shark. To enjoy it, you load it up with condiments from chandon beni sauce to tarter sauce to pepper sauce to garlic sauce, mustard, cucumbers… seriously, load it up with as many condiments as you like.

Always one to immerse herself in the food culture of any place I visit, it was without a doubt that I must have Bake and Shark. I was in Trinidad last weekend to promote my book. One morning I arrived well in advance of my scheduled time for