US-based nurse plans to establish psychiatric unit in Linden

Wenda Hutson

Lindener Wenda Hutson  numbers among the good Samaritans who have responded to the plight of the sick and needy in her community and has taken the initiative, along with others, to have a psychiatric unit established in the mining town.

Hutson, who holds a BSN and is a registered nurse, has lived in the USA for more than 30 years. A member of the Linden Fund USA, she returns home at this time of the year to celebrate the Town Week activities and join her colleagues to execute a series of sessions with nurses and other health care and security professionals to establish a psychiatric unit at the Linden Hospital Complex.

The initiative has its genesis in the Town Week festivities and had occurred when Hutson was a part of a team of medical professionals who provided a wide range of medical services to residents.  Hutson and the team then became aware of the existing programme