Evicted farmers converge on Kamla’s car, boo Moonilal during protest

Surrounded by police officers and members of her security detail, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar walks towards her vehicle after being mobbed by protesting farmers on Wednesday outside the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) headquarters in Port of Spain. (Trinidad Express photo)

(Trinidad Express) Farmers, irate over the bulldozed farmlands and crops, as well as the “arrogance” of Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal, created a mob scene outside the Port of Spain offices of the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) on Wednesday, calling on the Prime Minister to intervene in their situation.

Though the farmers were scheduled to meet with Moonilal later yesterday, they booed as Moonilal got into the Prime Minister’s waiting vehicle.

Even as the Prime Minister went to the group and spoke briefly with a young protester, the crowd surged forward, triggering the security