
Dear Editor,

Recently, I visited 63 Beach in Berbice and I was appalled at what I saw, including broken glass and stinky garbage all over the beach area, and no decent facilities to accommodate visitors. Don’t the authorities both local, regional and national have an idea how bad things are there, the only really long stretch of sandy beach on our coastal interface with the ocean? I doubt it, as I can’t see how the potential of that area can escape the attention our officials in this country.Where is our vision for a better Guyana if we can’t see the potential of Berbice’s 63 beach?

Guyanese have no vacation spot to go to, even with Redjet service, as the average Guyanese cannot afford a vacation in the Caribbean with hotel rates the way they are, so what are they going to do when vacation time comes along? Berbice, a lovely and serene place, is devoid of real entertainment and leisure, and moreso, Berbice is devoid of good employment and investment opportunities. But things could change with the capacity for a real vision of what can be.

Editor, imagine if 63 Beach in its full capacity, with the length and width taken into account, was to be really turned into a tourist resort for all Guyanese with hotels, an airstrip for small airplanes which could accommodate flights from all over Guyana, and recreation facilities to cater for adults and children, such as floating docks for jet skis, speedboats  and other water-related activities.

Imagine, a family with vacation time, say, living in Lethem catching a small plane and flying into the 63 Beach area and staying in a decent, clean hotel room which is reasonably priced. Imagine that same family waking up on that first morning and seeing maintenance personnel cleaning the beach area and lifeguards on structures designed to survey the whole beach and ocean area. Imagine that family enjoying all the water sports and recreation activities on the beach itself including beach volleyball, cricket and football; on special days there could even be special beach competitions for different sports.  Imagine in the evenings that family could be entertained by bars, clubs, restaurants and even multiplex cinemas as well as permanent structures like a ferris wheel, merry-go-round and other devices which families enjoy. With all the forests we possess, a wooden boardwalk along part of the beach with stores, restaurants and entertainment spots would be a great addition to the 63-64 Beach area.

Editor, imagine the lift Berbice would get from a 63-64 Beach resort for Guyanese to enjoy a decent and economical holiday, not to mention the business which would be generated and the jobs which would be available. It is time that the authorities do something positive for that area which can have so much potential for the people of Berbice, and indeed, for all the citizens of our country.

Who knows, maybe a casino could be an addition to such a resort and this would bring an attraction also to foreigners who might be in Guyana on business, or for the purpose of eco-tourism or as regular tourists. Please, Mr Government, help Berbice to really pick up steam and become a place where the 63-64 Beach can be a great local tourist attraction, instead of Berbice being a place where votes are taken for granted and promises are made only at election time.

Yours faithfully,
Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)