Why is that?

We all do this.  We see something or hear something – it could be in a brief moment, or it could be a long enduring condition – and in the absurdity of it, a momentary query, along the lines of “why is that going on?” passes through the mind.  A part of this occurrence is that it’s usually fleeting; the impression doesn’t consume us; we may not even talk about it with our close ones or friends, and so the thought fades, until the next time we encounter the oddity and the ‘why’ comes back to mind, and then it becomes an irritant. I know it’s something we all do, because if I mention one of my ‘why’ situations to a friend, I will always get one or two of his/hers in return. And it is not just an idle curiosity; these observations I’m talking about may seem minor at first glance, but there are often significant implications behind many of them.

Why, for example, are we faced today with