Amerindian ministry defends role in REDD spending

The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs yesterday defended its role in indigenous villages’ spending of REDD funds, saying that it is fulfilling its part as “the facilitator of policies and investments that advance the self-identified needs of Amerindian communities.”

In a statement responding to an article published last week in Stabroek News, headlined `Amerindian ministry’s authority over REDD spending ‘inappropriate,’ says report,’ the Ministry said ongoing design of the detailed investments is being led by Amerindian communities. It accused Stabroek News of “one-sided” reporting and wrongly said the “inappropriate” tag was “implied” by this newspaper.

The “inappropriate” description was contained in the first Guyana country report on the real-time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI). Oslo is providing support to Guyana to