St Barnabas

What is the matter with the Anglican Church, one wonders.  How can it put up one of its older places of worship for sale without exploring the possibilities for how it could be saved? The Diocesan authorities simply placed an advertisement in the newspapers saying they proposed to “dispose by sale by public tender” of a property “with the building (St. Barna-bas Church) thereon.”  It is described as “prime property,” which in a commercial sense, indeed it is. Of course all that will happen is that whoever buys it will destroy the church and erect some concrete barracks in its place, erasing a part of the history of the area in the process.

Whether anyone would be prepared to buy it and use the church building for secular purposes does not seem to be something that has been investigated as far as can be seen. Of course it has to be conceded that in this country that may not be a viable proposition unless the government were to take it over and use it as a school, for example. Certainly in the UK,