History makers: The ultimate list

It has been a pleasant diversion to think back over the years and give brief accounts of outstanding people whose paths in life I have crossed, if only peripherally. Of course it has led to many a comment on how to measure genius, greatness or historical importance and many a question asked regarding who were the real shapers of events or the most influential in their fields.
Arguing over who should be on this or that list of the great and influential gives much harmless enjoyment to mankind. Futile though such arguments are, they generate lovely interludes of animated conversational cut and thrust. Some of our pleasantest, most carefree hours are spent in this sport.

And, by the way, I am in a position to name here and now the West Indies Eleven for the next Test match we play, whenever that happens to be.  Ignoring the infantile goings-on currently bedevilling the great game in the region, our best team is