Making GuySuCo look ‘good’

Shifting the goalpost

In most cases of deliberate political and intellectual deception or expediency, persons and organisations would, as the saying goes, seek to shift the goalpost during the debate, in order to defeat the opposing point of view.  As we all know in such a circumstance the aim is to ensure that the goal of the opponent is never met.  In the case of GuySuCo, political spin from both GuySuCo’s corporate leaders and the relevant Government of Guyana authorities, however, seek to shift the goalpost in order to score a goal for themselves, which in their language means making GuySuCo and the local sugar industry, look ‘good’ to the Guyanese public. This is a deliberate tactic of watering-down targets, which have been previously set.

Unfortunately for the proponents of this strategy, GuySuCo’s performance, over the past two decades has been so disastrous (as my analysis in the 12 previous columns on this topic reveal) that the rot at GuySuCo can no longer be hidden from a discerning public.  The time is therefore, ready now for drastic remedial action; even though from private communications with several specialists (including ones presently connected to the industry and in the past) their considered view is that it is