America completely off-track

America’s insatiable appetite for oil is leading to her own ruin and endangering the whole world. The United States produces only 10% of the world’s oil but consumes 25% of it. This tremendous gap helps to create the mighty and growing American fiscal and trade deficits which skew the world’s economy in a way which is unsustainable. It also makes a highly disproportionate contribution to global warming and distorts American foreign policy into preemptive aggression, thereby jeopardizing security and stability throughout the world.

In parallel to this growing threat, and considerably exacerbating it, is the full-blown emergence of forces which now dominate political life in America and control what the administration in Washington does. These forces include the influence of huge corporations, especially in the drafting and implementation of energy and environmental policies, the neocon ideology which rejects contemptuously international organizations and international treaties and conventions, the