Rick Perry crashes on the big 2012 stage

Rick Perry

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – Republican presidential  candidate Rick Perry crashed on the big stage on Wednesday and  may never recover.  

The Texas governor had already been on the ropes, trying to  come back after a series of shaky debate performances that  knocked him out of the front-runner position and into the  second tier of candidates.  

Then came his “Oops” moment at a CNBC-sponsored debate in  Michigan. He stood on stage with his rivals and struggled badly  to remember all three government agencies that he would  eliminate if elected in November 2012. 

Rick Perry

“Oops,” he said after naming the departments of Education  and Commerce as two of his targets but failing to name the  third. His mental lapse lasted an embarrassingly long period  and rival Ron Paul finally came to the rescue to try to remind  Perry of his own talking points.  

A little later in the debate Perry thought of the answer —  the Department of Energy.  
Gaffes are a part of presidential debates and regularly  separate the wheat from the chaff.  

Seeking to control damage, Perry made light of the mistake  yesterday during a round of morning television interviews.  

“I think I made an error last night. I stepped in it. All  of us make mistakes. I’m a human being,” he told the CBS “Early  Show.”  

He also sought to dispel doubts about his future as a  candidate: “There is a day to stay in the fight. This is it.  So, you bet, I’m going to continue on.”  

In 1976, Republican President Gerald Ford suffered a major  blunder at a presidential debate with Democrat Jimmy Carter,  saying Poland was not under the domination of the Soviet empire  when in fact it was.  

What Ford wanted to get across is that the Poles would  never knuckle under to the Soviets. But it came out wrong, and  Ford never recovered, losing the election to Carter. 
In Perry’s case, he was laying out a line from his standard  stump speech, that he would get rid of the departments of  Commerce, Education and Energy if he were to win the White  House. 

That he could not repeat a oft-stated line at a debate is  likely to underscore to Republicans that he would have trouble  in a debate against Democratic President Barack Obama next  fall.  
The Perry campaign tried to put on a brave face. 
“We had a stumble of style but not substance,” said Perry  communications director Ray Sullivan on CNBC. “It was good he  was wearing his boots tonight because he stepped in it …  We’ll get t