Real Bajan Privilege

Hi Everyone,

If you haven’t yet, then I urge you to pick up a copy of Barbadian Austin Clarke’s food memoir, Pig Tails ‘n Breadfruit: Rituals of Slave Food. You will laugh, learn and salivate at his offerings. I did and still do, which brings me to the topic of this column, Privilege.

Though a learned man, an eloquent man, Austin Clarke stammered his response to the late and former Prime Minister of Barbados, Errol Barrow, when questioned as to whether or not he knew what ‘privilege’ is. “Privilege, sir, is… ahm…a right sir. Or an advantage. Privilege, Prime Minister, could be an immunity granted to a person, or to a class or…” Barrow laughed at Clarke’s response and said, “not that kind of privilege! I mean real privilege.”

The prime minister explained, “Privilege is