Armed leftists rattle nerves, test Paraguay’s Lugo

Fernando Lugo

CAPITAN GIMENEZ, Paraguay, (Reuters) – No one  thought to mention it when they heard whispers and rustling in  the bushes near the police station in Capitan Gimenez, assuming  it was the hushed voices of lovers in the dark.

The two officers on guard had just finished dinner when  gunmen ambushed the station, killing them both. Another had  gone out to buy credit for his mobile phone. In this remote  corner of northern Paraguay, cattle-rustling is the most common  crime.

“You can’t forget something like that,” said Jose Gamarra,  24, another officer at Capitan Gimenez who was also out when  the group of as many as 10 heavily armed attackers struck the  village station one night in late September.

Officials were quick to blame the Paraguayan People’s Army,  or EPP by its Spanish initials, a small left-wing group that  mixes violence with a revolutionary rhetoric reminiscent of the  guerrilla movements that sprang up across Latin America in the  1960s and 1970s.

Most such ideological groups have faded away since then and criminal gangs linked to drug-trafficking are responsible for  surging rates of violent crime in much of the region.

The EPP has gained prominence in recent years due to  several high-profile kidnappings and daring raids and President  Fernando Lugo is under mounting pressure to close the net on  the gunmen.

Fernando Lugo

He has sent troops and more than 1,000 extra police to the  group’s heartland in the ranching provinces of Concepcion and  San Pedro for a 60-day crackdown due to end next month. But  catching the EPP’s leaders will not be easy.

The group’s armed members are thought to number no more  than 20, relying on close friends and relatives for logistical  support in a deprived and long-forgotten region where suspicion  of the police runs deep.

“Sending tanks isn’t the answer. It’s sending tractors,  doctors and making sure people have shoes … and roads, that  would be a lot more effective,” said Raquel Talavera, a lawyer  who used to defend jailed members of the group.

Some opposition members of Paraguay’s fractious parliament  have threatened to start impeachment proceedings against Lugo  if the security crackdown fails to yield results, said  center-right lawmaker Sebastian Acha.

“There’s going to be a lot of political pressure when the  (operation) ends, which most opposition members from the  traditional parties are going to use as a bargaining chip to  force concessions from the president — a job, a nomination,”  he said.

It is another potential headache for Lugo, whose presidency  has been complicated by divisions in his ruling coalition, a  lengthy cancer treatment and paternity claims by three women.  He has admitted fathering one child when he was a bishop.

Almost every police station in Paraguay has a “Wanted”  poster carrying mug-shots of the armed groups’ leaders,  offering rewards of up to one billion guaranis (about $250,000)  for information leading to their capture.

It is a fortune in a region where few earn as much as the  minimum monthly wage of about $400, but fear of reprisals and  mistrust of authorities mean people are wary of speaking up.

“If you talk, they’ll harm you or your family so no one  talks,” said Vicenta Sanchez, 55, standing behind a stall  selling fresh herbs in front of the church in Horqueta.

“Everyone is scared of them, we’re all afraid,” she said.
An added discomfort for the president stems from several of  the EPP leaders’ past links to the Roman Catholic Church in  Concepcion and San Pedro, where Lugo served as a bishop.

“Their training was here in the church, but then they lost  their way,” said Nelson Ramirez, a priest in Horqueta as he  sipped traditional yerba tea from a metal straw in the church  hall.

“They wanted to follow the Marxist path and because of that  they were expelled from the seminary,” he said. “It’s very  painful for us.”