AFC says will hold balance of power

The Alliance For Change (AFC) yesterday said that it will hold the balance of power in the next parliament saying that no party is likely to win a majority when GECOM makes the official announcement about the winner of Monday’s poll.

“Clearly the AFC will hold the balance of power at these elections,” AFC presidential candidate Khemraj Ramjattan said at a press briefing at the Pegasus Hotel. He said that at this stage, the AFC will not be teaming up with any of the parties that are likely to be in the National Assembly when the results are announced.  “At this stage, we are not making any deals,” Ramjattan said. “We would like to assure the electorate that their will in Parliament will be that which we are going to proceed with,” he said.

AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman said that based on results so far it is unlikely that any party will get a majority.   “If no one party has won 50 percent or 51 percent of the votes it