The AFC should be the cog in the wheel of development

Dear Editor,

I must congratulate Mr Khemraj Ramjattan, the leadership of the Alliance for Change and the passionate supporters for securing a significant 10.3% of total votes cast as declared by the Guyana Elections Commission. They have shifted the paradigms of the politics of our country in a historic way, creating a majority parliamentary opposition. I was a university student when Mr Ramjattan and Mr Raphael Trotman first established the AFC, instantly commanding the attention and support of the intellectual masses. It is obvious that the support base has broadened since, considering the fact that the party secured 8.1% of the votes cast in the 2006 Elections (2.2% less than what was achieved in 2011).

Many have already begun to fear that the AFC might fall prey to the courting and lure of the ruling PPP/C which for the first time in the annals of our politics is a minority government. On behalf of AFC supporters and those of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), I sound a clarion call to the better judgement of the leader, urging him to remember the realities that prompted his departure from the PPP, and how he has since been treated like an outcast. I plead with him to remember the principles he articulated, and by which he commanded his support. He should remember that his support base is heterogeneous in terms of ethnicity, religion and social standing; and that most of the supporters are the young, intellectual minds of our beloved country – the people to whose care and stewardship our country’s governance must be ultimately entrusted. The balance of power is in AFC hands, and it should be that cog in the wheel to growth and development.
Yours faithfully,
Alvin A Doris