Will someone do something about the sick donkey?

Dear Editor,
I wish to refer to Ms Syeada Manbodh’s letter with regard to a sick donkey in the vicinity of Vryheid’s Lust and Montrose East Coast Demerara (‘How much longer must a sick donkey suffer?’ SN, September 28). I travel daily to and from the city and have observed this donkey for several months.

A closer look was taken and I observed a huge growth growing out between his two front legs, his front hoofs are damaged, hence he is unable to walk properly and there is indeed a chop on the poor thing’s back. He is always there on the side of the road and appears to be very sick. I even observed him in the middle of the road one afternoon as was mentioned in Ms Manbodh’s letter, trying to cross the road but doing so at a snail’s pace because his front hoofs.

I know Ms Manbodh goes to feed him and give water; if not there is no way he will be able to get water to drink, much less have food.

I personally feel that someone needs to look into this matter and take the necessary step to alleviate the pain of the poor donkey.

Looking forward for some action to be taken, especially from the GSPCA.
Yours faithfully,
Shalini Singh
Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to the Guyana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for any comment they might wish to make.