Giant sweet potatoes for farmer in Barbados

Farmer Mahendra Singh (r) showing a 15-pound sweet potato while worker Anand Persaud looks on while holding a smaller one.

(Barbados Nation) The recent heavy rainfall has a veteran St Philip farmer reaping his fill of spuds.

Mahendra Singh, who leases land on Sandford Plantation, said he has been hauling huge sweet potatoes from his land daily.

“This is proof that agriculture is alive and kicking in Barbados. It is evidence the ground is still capable of producing good food,” he said.
When a DAILY NATION team passed, Singh, who has been farming for 22 years, had a 15-pounder to show but he said even that was small, as he had already dug up a 24-pound.

Farmer Mahendra Singh (r) showing a 15-pound sweet potato while worker Anand Persaud looks on while holding a smaller one.
Farmer Mahendra Singh (r) showing a 15-pound sweet potato while worker Anand Persaud looks on while holding a smaller one.

“We have been getting from ten to 15 of these big sweet potatoes per day. It’s because of the heavy rainfall; the soft soil allowed
the potatoes to penetrate further and now the rain stop, they swell out,” he said.

Singh said the only problem he faced now was giant African snails, which had infested his land. That, and predial larceny, as he said he could not plant certain things any more.