Enmore sugar workers strike over payments

Factory workers during yesterday’s industrial action

About 42 factory workers at the Enmore sugar estate went on strike yesterday over “premium payment” for work done and while the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) said they were not entitled to it, offered to make a one-time payment.

However, the workers told Stabroek News yesterday that they will remain on strike indefinitely and GuySuCo has expressed dismay at the “irresponsible” actions.  This is the second strike for this week that the beleaguered corporation has faced. In a statement, the corporation said that the workers working the 6 am to 2pm shift at the factory took industrial action while demanding “premium payment” which is one and a half times a normal day’s pay for work done last Saturday.

The corporation said however, that they were not required to work for two days during that week because of the unavailability of canes to grind since the canes could not have been burnt due to