What I’m eating: Pumpkin & Eggs

Sauteed Pumpkin with Nested Eggs (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Hi Everyone,

After declaring last week that I had not given up any food or beverage for Lent, and that I tend to be a weekday vegetarian and weekend meat-eater, I received several emails, asking for vegetarian meal ideas from persons who have given up meat for Lent. They have opted to eat more seafood and to include things like eggs in their meals as part of their protein intake.

This week I’m sharing them and you, something that I made up on the fly. A hearty vegetarian dish that’s good at anytime and it is certainly attractive and wholesome enough to be the main course when having company.

When I wandered into the kitchen, I was looking for something quick and easy to make. I retrieved from the refrigerator things I knew would take little time to cook – pumpkin and eggs. I stood there staring at the pumpkin and eggs for a long time bussing my brains how to