Starr Computers Inc

Starr Computers Inc has donated a desktop computer system and stabiliser to the Doobay Renal Centre to help it fulfil its mandate. In a press release, Starr noted that the Centre is a non-profit centre, which opened a 10-chair haemodialysis unit up to international standards, in September. Dr Budhendra Doobay serves as president and New York-trained surgeon Dr Surendra Persaud as medical director, with support of a staff that includes a full time physician and five trained dialysis nurses. Nephrology support is provided by Professor Euan Carlisle of McMaster University; technician support from Humber River Regional Hospital; equipment form St Joseph’s Health Care and Sunny Brook Hospital, all of Canada. The Centre sources its funding from donations, including its building, which was donated by the Doobay family. Dr Doobay is a Guyanese-Canadian philanthropist and cardiovascular surgeon, whose work has received the highest recognition, including the Order of Ontario. In picture: Starr Computers supervisor Penny Francis (left) and Manager Shelburn Wills present the system to Doobay Centre Chief Nurse Olive Sinclair (right).

Starr Computers Inc