AFC meeting

AFC dares President to call elections: “Put up or shut up”, the Alliance For Change last evening dared President Donald Ramotar to call a snap election. In photo a section of the crowd at the beginning of the public meeting, as commentator Christopher Ram spoke. The meeting was held at the Stabroek Market Square Tarmac. The crowd grew to several hundred most of whom converged and cheered as Executive and main speaker Nigel Hughes delivered his speech calling on the people to hold all politicians accountable in transforming Guyana into a country of model democracy and accountability.
AFC dares President to call elections: “Put up or shut up”, the Alliance For Change last evening dared President Donald Ramotar to call a snap election. In photo a section of the crowd at the beginning of the public meeting, as commentator Christopher Ram spoke. The meeting was held at the Stabroek Market Square Tarmac. The crowd grew to several hundred most of whom converged and cheered as Executive and main speaker Nigel Hughes delivered his speech calling on the people to hold all politicians accountable in transforming Guyana into a country of model democracy and accountability.