Police abuse of law-abiding citizens a ‘deep-seated problem’ – Ramkarran

Ralph Ramkarran

A “deep-seated problem” exists of police abusing law-abiding citizens and this creates hostility towards the law enforcement agents and thus substantially reduces the possibility of co-operation from citizens, which is critical to solving crime, former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran says.

“There is no point reporting these matters to the police. Nothing ever happens. I have direct experience of this. The Minister is always helpful and takes action. But disciplining one policeman at a time cannot solve a deep-seated problem such as the one that exists in relation to the TSU and the Traffic Police when they are on patrol,” the top PPP official wrote in the Weekend Mirror. Ramkarran said that the abuse happens every day and he has received numerous complaints. Along with the article, a photo of a policeman appearing to accept a bribe was published.

Ramkarran said that if the abuse continues,