Key Hindu Credit Union files missing, probe affected

(Trinidad Express) Pertinent files containing information about the operations of the failed Hindu Credit Union (HCU), kept at the offices of the Commissioner for Co-operative Development, have gone missing. This was disclosed on Saturday as former commissioner for co-operative development Keith Maharajh took the witness stand at the Commission of Enquiry into the collapse of CL Financial and the HCU for the second successive day.

A special Saturday sitting of the enquiry was held at Winsure Building, Richmond Street, Port of Spain.

Maharajh said during his tenure there were several files related to the HCU that were kept at the office of the Commissioner for Co-operative Development. He held the post of Commissioner for Co-operative Development from April 1995 to January 2006.

“There were several files, some files had to be closed because of the bulkiness. I would think that everything that went on with the commissioner’s office in relation to the HCU was contained in those files,” Maharajh said.

The difficulty in locating the information on the HCU was brought to the fore after several people subpoenaed by the enquiry requested documents from the office of the Commissioner for Co-operative Development which could not be found.

Senior Counsel Reginald Armour yesterday explained that the relocation of the office of the Commissioner for Co-operative Development over the years was in part to blame for the difficulty with the documents being located.