Wildlife exporter loses $$$ after ‘whirlwind’ damages cages

Violet Mohanlall’s employees yesterday working assiduously to repair damage caused by the wind

An exporter of exotic animals is counting her losses, which she says run into the millions, after a freak storm on Monday afternoon severely damaged a part of her business office and the cages in which she houses the animals  causing quite a few of  them to escape.

Violet Mohanlall of Lot 10 Timehri Public Road told Stabroek News she received a call shortly before 2 pm on Monday, from her employees informing her that “a whirlwind”, originating from the nearby Demerara River, had hit her business establishment damaging the cages of animals which subsequently escaped.

“I was plucking chicken to feed the animals around 1.30 time when suddenly the place start to get dark dark dark,” Linda Sugrim, an employee related. “Then suddenly, like in them picture [films], this w