The US presidential election 2012…Obama vs Romney: the final debate

By Ronald Austin

It is said that during his exile and imprisonment one of Napoleon’s interlocutors mentioned the word “Moscow”, whereupon the famous Frenchman leapt to his feet and proclaimed “My whole destiny is in that word.”

Indeed it was. For it was in the vastness of Russia that Napoleon finally overreached himself and laid the conditions for the destruction of his Empire. Mitt Romney does not rule an Empire. But I am sure that if he loses the 2012 elections he might in similar fashion rue Boca Raton as much as Napoleon did Moscow. Two events have occurred in this small town in Florida, which might have an important bearing on his political future.

On May 17 at the home of Marc Leder, the controversial private equity manager, in this very same Floridian town, Romney delivered remarks, which showed that he did not have a