A conversation with Magda Pollard

Magda Pollard

At eighty Magda Pollard remains mentally alert, enlightened, a keen conversationalist and seemingly always inclined to engage in discourse on important issues. Her appetite for exchanging views derives from the range of experiences that have shaped both her public and social lives, ranging from the contribution she made to the national Home Economics curriculum both as Principal of the Carnegie School of Home Economics and as a national examiner in the subject and as Women’s Affairs Officer as the Caribbean Community Secretariat. Beyond her professional life Magda Pollard remains a member of the Woodside Choir, an experience which she still enjoys sharing. When Guyana Review visited Magda’s Bourda Street home during the summer to talk about the Woodside Choir she was quick to offer cookies and to invite us to watch the summer Olympics with her. Over the next few hours we discovered that her interests went way beyond music and the Olympics.

In this issue of the Guyana Review we publish an extended interview with Magda Pollard .