The furtive establishment of political dominance

The drive towards dominance has been successful largely because it has been furtive. Accusations of racism are normal in multiethnic societies and have historically been frequently bandied about in Guyana. This very fact provided a useful cover for the PPP drive for political dominance, as all accusations of racism were lumped together, preventing more attention being focused upon the more clandestine intent. But notwithstanding this, the situation has become so obvious that there have been many attempts to represent what is taking place. We hear about the racial propensities of Hinduism, the criminalization of the state, ideological racism, the existence of racial apartheid and, from the PPP itself, an acceptance that this dominance may be leading to  a “resurgence” of sentiments against Guyanese of East Indian-descent.

In my view, while there may be some validity in all the explanations, they miss the important point that what has taken place was not accidental,