
Quite a few indentured labourers who were brought from India were placed at Rose Hall sugar plantation, East Canje. Among them was Nibur Singh, the grandfather of 69-year-old Sherlock Sukdeo. Singh believed in fighting for his rights and was among 15 workers who were killed in 1913 while protesting for better conditions.  Included among the slain workers were Durga, 72, Laljie, 45, and a lone female, 32-year-old Gobindei. The others were in their 20s and 30s. Forty-one workers were also injured from the 100 shots that were fired.

On March 17 there was a celebration to mark the 100 years of martyrdom. In a large open plot, a monument was erected in memory of the fallen workers.

Today most of the residents are employed at the estate in the field, factory, workshop or office while some operate businesses like grocery and rum shops and the